Everyone has problems. We're all facing our own challenges, so why are so few people talking to each other about them? I think we're missing the frame for such conversations to happen. We have plenty …
What you can and can’t control
If there were a venn diagram of "what you can control" and "what you can't control," it feels like luck would be in the middle. Technically, those two diagrams shouldn't intersect, but I think luck …
Desire to learn
The only sustainable solution is the desire to learn. The question is: how do you create it? …
We have space, now we need a reason to meet there
To grow a community, we don’t need more spaces we need more contexts. We have plenty of SPACE for people to meet, they just have no reason to come together in the same time and place. The …
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The shipping muscle
At Dual School we’re exercising a different muscle This isn’t a test You can’t get a 100 No one is going to walk away with a perfect prototype That’s not the point The point is to learn The …
Revive – Prototyping interactions before apps
There was a startup at University of Delaware called Revive. The idea was tinder for clothing swaps. The idea went like this: First, girls upload pictures of clothes they don’t want. Then, they swipe …
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