If you’re going to choose a job, it’s good to choose one that pays well, right? What if it’s boring and horrible? Hmm..
Most college students now just want to make a lot of money after school. When that is the sole focus of your education, you lose purpose, which actually makes you better at what you do and thus leads to higher pay.
Why settle so soon for high paying but very boring? There are plenty of other options. Working for Google is high paying and exciting.
I get that most of us want to make a lot of money, but let’s think bigger than settling for a boring job. There is plenty of time to achieve a lofty goal. Set the high goal to find a job your love AND also pays well.
You might as well try. Thousands, probably millions of people each day make more money than we could imagine doing something they love. Why can’t you be one of them?
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