The worker at the state division of social services? Or the person trying to make sure everyone spends .3 more seconds in their newsfeed?
Maybe my perception is wrong, but it feels like most of the work on the cutting edge of technology is done by and for the tech elite. I’m all for advancements in technology, but eventually it should reach the people who need it most.
I do believe that many good things have come from the improvements we’ve seen, but when no one thinks about those who aren’t included, we miss opportunities to bring people together. When it’s clear that a large piece of the population is an afterthought, we miss an opportunity to lend a hand to those in need.
Blindspots exist and they feel all too common. Society is split into bubbles frequently based on income and race. If you’ve ever experienced how difficult it is to be a person in need interacting with a state system, it’s hard to instead focus optimize the final 1% out of a Saas onboarding process.
Give people exposure. Break down barriers between us all. Let the most creative, brilliant and dedicated makers unleash their ideas on antiquated systems that desperately need help.