If I can watch a better speaker, give a more engaging talk online, why drive somewhere and attend a live event?
There are a few reasons: first, commitment. This is related to the sunk cost fallacy. You’ve spent money and time getting to this live event, you better pay attention because it feels like you’re committed. If you paid $100 to see a speaker, you would probably get more value from the same talk that was free.
Second, some speakers are better live and they can cater their talks to your needs. Live events are special. My hunch is that it’s mostly because of the commitment aspect, but it could be partially due to the fact that the speaker can interact with the audience and change the talk accordingly.
Last and most important is connection. This is hands down the MOST valuable aspect of going to a live event, but it’s an afterthought on most occasions. Why do you pay to attend a conference? To meet people in the industry! It’s great to watch speakers and visit the booths, but you really want to make connections with other people in your field.
Live events can charge insane amounts of money and still be worth every penny if you walk away with valuable connections.
I saw Tim Ferriss record a live podcast in New York back in December. It was incredible to sit in the crowd and see the interview play out live, but I was starving and squished in the middle of a crowded theatre. I learned a lot at the event, but nothing more than I could have gotten from listening to the podcast version.
The most valuable part of the whole escapade was the subway back from 92nd street. Since everyone in attendance got two copies of Tools of Titans, we all left with a Barnes and Noble bag in hand. That was all the conversation starter I needed while waiting for the subway to arrive. I quickly made a great connection with another student my age who also went to the event!
My theory is that connection is by far the most valuable part of any event, so why don’t we prioritize it more? Event planners could go the extra mile to make an experience truly special. I have the ideas and activities to make it happen. If you ever want to chat about this, you can always reach me: zcj at udel . edu!
Ps. I’m working on a huge guide to help people start leading their own workshops, so stay tuned for that!