Every subject of school is just a tool that helps you build something in the future. The problem is, it’s hard to care about some abstract future. But it’s the promise our schools are built on. Learn it now. You’ll need it later.
It makes no sense.
Right now, we give kids a hammer and they swing it in the air practicing to eventually hit a nail into a board.
Then we give them a screwdriver and tell them to imagine turning it.
We never let them work on building a table or a chair or a house!
Why not Learn it now. Use it now. ?
We need to give them projects they care about. By doing that, we’re telling them to go out and build the building. The best part is, they still need to use the tools! And in fact, they need them more than ever and thus learn them in a meaningful way.
So let’s bring education out of a vacuum and let’s bring projects into the now.