When you bring together 10 community based organizations, it quickly becomes clear that none of them are good at talking to each other.
They use words like “disengaged” and “essential questions” without there being a clear understanding of what the words mean. The short term solution is that you make a glossary and define all the terms this group will use together during these meetings. This is a wildly inefficient use of time.
Imagine if computers had to set a new standard of communication every time they had to send an email over the network?
That’s not how it works. There’s a set protocol for how devices will communicate with each other. They don’t determine the protocol after they made the data. It’s predetermined and informs how the data is created and stored.
What if your organization created data the same way your ten peer organizations created data? What if you could easily plug into the network of communication?
Imagine the collective impact we could drive in a more interoperable environment. An inter-organization API could be the next level of social change work.