When you think about the value of an entrepreneurial mindset, it’s easy to point to things like problem solving skills, creativity, drive and more. But, yesterday I was reminded of an even more elemental benefit: the freedom to create value how you see fit.
I listened to an interview with a world class reporter. You’d think there would be some confidence when you’re in the top 1% of your profession, but instead there was this deep fear that the employer would fire the reporter.
The entrepreneurial mindset would say, I’m good at what I do, people know I’m good at what I do and I could get another job right away. But for some reason the thinking was filled with fear. I’m not sure why, but it stuck with me. Entrepreneurial people don’t live with that same fear. They know they can create value, whether it’s for an employer, a freelance client or through their own ventures.
There’s nothing wrong with being an employee, taking a paycheck and living a comfortable life that way. But it feels wrong to live in constant fear that your employer could make a decision to let you go and life as you know it would break down. Opportunity is abundant and so is your potential.