When we think of careers, we think of “the corporate ladder.”
The reality is: most people have no idea where they are going.Maybe they’re climbing the ladder or maybe they’re just hanging on for dear life.
Successful people rarely took a linear path. Their journeys are littered with dead ends, failures and changed directions.
If you’re ever feeling stuck, remember that success is a labyrinth, not a ladder. Don’t be scared of hitting a wall. Be prepared to change directions when you do.
I *love* the metaphor of the labyrinth as it relates to a career…especially my career which didn’t take a typical path up the corporate ladder. In fact, it was the time I was most confused about my next step that I came up with the idea of the life resume. And that became the guidance I needed for moving forward in my career and my life. I only wish I could have read this blog in the beginning of my career. It would have saved me time and energy from stressing over the next step up the ladder. I want to use this phrase in the future, if that’s OK with you (ladder vs. labyrinth). I’ll give you due credit, promise! Thanks,