Binned Art launched on Product Hunt to solve two problems:
Consumers want to buy original art at reasonable prices and artists don’t want to publicly sell certain pieces if they’re experimental, or if they didn’t come out as expected.
It’s a great concept. As an artist, you can recoup some of the cost of making a piece without having to put your reputation on the line and as a consumer you get something unique that no one else can buy in stores.
While affordable art is a great premise, part of what makes art so special is the story of the artist. While not all artists choose to sell anonymously on Binned Art, the more I thought about it, I wanted to buy art from someone with a voice and a point of view. I wanted the purchase to support a person.
Does encourage anonymity actually encourage to appreciate the craft more? Or does it make it just a hollow as buying a mass produced piece?
Does leaving out a personal story keep artists feeling safe when the real point of art is to take risks and have a point of you?