Any card. There are 52 possibilities and plenty of right answers. But there are plenty more wrong answers.
Those 52 cards are all ideas, and if you pick just one, your chances of picking well are slim. But luckily, you don’t have to pick just one. You can pick the 2 of diamonds, show the world, and get feedback.
“Red isn’t in this year.” “Two is too small a number.”
No problem because you have plenty of time to pick another.
7 of spades.
“Good number and color, but the shape isn’t quite right.”
It’s still early, draw again.
8 of clubs. Boom. That’s a good one.
When you wait a long time to ship a product, you’re losing opportunities to see if your card might be the one. You’re taking a giant risk that your one and only draw will be worth months of work. That sounds like a big gamble especially when there’s no limit on how many cards you can draw.
The only limit is how quickly you’re willing to move and how fast you can get feedback from the market. So pick another card, show your hand and try again.