Too often I hear from people who have a great idea, but don’t want to share it. They’re typically scared of it being stolen, or for not receiving proper credit for having it in the first place.
These are valid fears, but they are not substantial enough for you to refrain from sharing your wisdom. If you don’t want to share an idea for fear of it being stolen, why have an idea in the first place? If you’re an artist that makes music but doesn’t want to share it for fear of it being stolen, why do you want to be a musician?
Isn’t it better for your work to be listened to than to be sitting on the shelves?
There is a real fear that I have had about these things. That is the fear that this is the best thing you’ve ever written and you need credit for it. Who is to say if you’ll ever create something this good again? I soon learned that this fear should only paralyze you if you don’t plan on releasing more work.
If you make a habit of producing new things and sharing them with the world, then you will continue to improve. If you stay fearful and decide to keep waiting before releasing anything, then you will stay as you are today.
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