You might like something a lot, but that doesn’t guarantee a ticket to success.
You need to care enough that you’re willing to fail and or take criticism in order to get better.
Some people love to golf, but can’t manage to put their ego aside and take a lesson. Those people struggle to get better.
Some people have a great app idea, but don’t want to hear from customers that no one wants it. Behavior like that limits growth. Stubbornness can kill a project before it even starts.
You need humility. No matter how much you know, there is always more to learn. When you put your ego aside, you open yourself up to a world of new perspectives that will make you better in the long run.
Though I’m passionate about designing events and think I’m pretty good, I met someone yesterday who had much more experience than I. It was uncomfortable to open up my upcoming plans for Ignite! to criticism, but I knew it would make the end product much better. His feedback gave me a powerful new perspective and I look forward to implementing it soon.
Your passion is important, but so if your ability to step back and be humble.