Today we played a little game with some teenagers where we said "what's a song lyric in your head and what does it mean to you right now?" From 10 students we got 10 different answers. We had debate …
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I don’t know what to do next
Does anyone? Does no one? Like always, the answer is somewhere in between. Our conviction depends little on outside circumstances and primarily on our confidence and confidence is built through …
Life comes and goes in seasons. Unless of course, you live somewhere without them. If you do the same thing on Saturday as you do on Wednesday. If very little changes day to day. Otherwise, you know …
Separating learning from life
Learning isn't something that happens when you're ready and expecting it. It doesn't happen on a set schedule. Learning happens because you're living. Because you're trying things, meeting people, …
What’s college for?
Learning? Kind of. The piece of paper? Kind of. The connections? Kinda of. To find yourself? Kind of. To acquire marketable skills? Sometimes. Status? Mostly. …
Life changing
Isn't about big checks or fancy cars. It's not about the glitz and the glamour. It's about seeing people. It's about understanding them on a human level on connecting authentically. What's …