There's a special feeling of daring greatly and being supported by a group of people. It's different from having an escape hatch. From trying something big, knowing that you can walk away …
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“I was so lucky”
We've all heard the story that goes something like... "I started telling my friends that I always wanted to launch a food business, then one of them connected me with an investor and she changed …
The Avicii Tribute Concert
The Avicii Tribute Concert was live streamed from Stockholm just a month ago. It's a brilliant outpouring of love and support for a musician who the world lost much too soon. But I also feel like …
When do you stop?
I see some people tweet, post photos and statuses multiple times per day and it never works. They never get likes and shares and all the things you might hope for. But in their mind, persistence …
Learning should be…
Exciting Relaxing Challenging Fun Social Self directed World changing Mundane Powerful Humbling Amazing Obvious Sadness Laughter Human …
Aligning the message
When you are trying to get a message to spread, it helps to have imagery that you can implant in the minds of your readers. Climate enthusiasts use the image of the tipping point, or the point of …