Get the right people in the room for the right reason. You will be much more likely to host a great event if you can check those two boxes. Right people is hard because most events want as many people …
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Talks about design thinking
It's crazy how many people give talks about design thinking. Where the hell is their empathy? Was the problem defined as "people need to learn about design thinking" and ideation led to "stand here …
The Roots Problem
There's a great fast casual restaurant on Main Street in Newark called Roots. They serve healthy bowls with kale and rice and veggies galore. Once you've tried Roots, you know it's …
The Self Contained Fowardable Story
Chris Fralic is a partner at First Round Capital in New York and a master of email introductions. While most people get bogged down in their inboxes, Chris has a nifty trick to make communication more …
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Building a parachute
They say entrepreneurs jump off the cliff and build the parachute on the way down. Sometimes it's more like jumping off the cliff and hoping your team finishes the parachute in time. It's not a solo …
A vivid and fond memory
I have a vivid and fond memory of a middle school ski club trip to Cranmore mountain. The snow was horrible. Few of my friends went. None of said friends stuck with me, though that was partially my …