"Your lack of planning is not my emergency." How many times has someone come to you with a last minute disaster. "Can you stay at my booth? I forgot to get plates for the pizza?" "Can you pick me up? …
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The local guy
There's something admirable about being the local guy. The one that's been to the brewery so many times he knows every beer by heart. It shows tradition and consistency. Then again, there's something …
What sticks?
How come gossip circulates like wildfire while important truths go unrepeated? That's the big question that Made to Stick seeks to answer. It's all about communicating ideas in a way that is …
To a T
"Live every day like it's your last" isn't great advice that anyone should follow to a T. But, if you're living like you'll be here forever and delaying all enjoyment, it might be exactly what you …
The two stories
There are always two stories at play in any transaction: the personal story someone has in their head and the story of the marketer. As the marketer, your story is, "I want people to buy my product …
Note taking tips fueling 400 blog posts
When I go to write my blog post every night, I look back at my notes from the day and see which idea I want to turn into a full post. Usually I have 3-5 different things I've written down each day. So …
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