The human nature to become accustomed to any circumstance is a tragedy. It creates monotony where joy should reside. An amazing new item becomes commonplace after you’ve used it for a few days. A …
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Finding the mapmaker
Someone already drew the map. It'd be silly to walk the whole coastline just to come up with your own rendition of an existing piece. Instead, find the mapmaker, check their bias, and walk away with …
Built to scale
A bad product built to scale will never scale. A great product not designed for scale, but optimized for user satisfaction, has a chance. So go build great products. …
Caring enough
If you care enough to set your ego aside and be wrong, you're on the right track. If you're willing to try something that might not work even if it might be humiliating, be proud of that. Most …
The give a shit index
I'm imagining a ratio of how many people care about what they do every day to how many do not. How would that ratio differ from city to city? From company to company? From country to country? Maybe …
Changing your mind on Twitter
When was the last time you changed your mind when scrolling through twitter? Social media is notorious for being an echo chamber. We follow people who think like us and believe the things we believe. …