Any card. There are 52 possibilities and plenty of right answers. But there are plenty more wrong answers. Those 52 cards are all ideas, and if you pick just one, your chances of picking well are …
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The Power of Moments
What would it take to create a remarkable moment? Chip and Dan Heath argue it wouldn’t take much. Mainly just the conscious thought to recognize an opportunity. Like the story of a little kid who …
Teacher at heart
When I was 9, I sprained my ankle and couldn’t play basketball. Instead, I started teaching my friend. When we think about finding our passion, we often think about having new experiences and …
In response to a fear of failure
When you listen to users, iterate quickly and stay honest with yourself, it’s hard to fail. Failing implies finality. Those who understand iteration know that each prototype is just a step along the …
The trickiness of growth
When you’re big you have leverage. When you’re small you have agility. The tricky part is finding leverage when you’re small and staying agile as you grow. …
Big data vs small humans
Sometimes we hide in big data instead of making small impact. One percent improvement might matter for a corporation’s bottom line, but does what does it feel like to a human? I don’t think it moves …