This blog post has been requested frequently. Oatmeal has been a part of my morning routine for just over a year now thanks to Sophia’s oatmeal loving influence. This keeps me full and energized for hours. It helps me start off each day with a reliable meal filled with good things that all taste amazing together.
Here is my secret recipe:
- Fill the bowl about half way with Old Fashioned oats
- Drizzle in chia seeds
- Sprinkle some cinnamon
- Mix lightly
- Pour in Fairlife Whole Ultra-filtered Milk to the same level as the oats
- Microwave for 90 seconds
- Scoop one spoonful of smooth almond butter onto the hot oats
- Peel one banana, breaking it in half and placing it on top of the oats
- note: you can get the almond butter off your spoon by chopping the banana with the spoon a little
- Drizzle your favorite local honey on top of it all
- Enjoy