There is a massive arbitrage opportunity waiting to be seized in the learning space. If someone can find a way to effectively connect students with other students around the world at scale, learning could change drastically.
After leading a small group discussion on Saturday night with participants from Greece, South Korea, Haiti, China, Delaware, Maryland and New Jersey, it was incredible how many opportunities there were for deep conversation.
Students wrestling with an unjust education system in the states hear about the mandatory testing and early career choice that happen in other countries. Idea exchanges happen around the benefits of liberal arts education vs. career-focused education. Other’s break out on norms with instagram, partying and other topics teens can’t help but discuss. Language barriers get broken down by google translate and sheet persistence.
All in all, it’s a one of a kind empathy-building experience. But it doesn’t need to be one of a kind. Just because people flew from around the world to be in Newark, Delaware for three days, doesn’t mean this can’t be more of a norm.
When we sit in person, we hold space for one another. But that interaction can be just as genuine and special without the thousands of dollars in airfares and hotel fees.
Where can it happen and how can be a part of everyone’s educational journey?