Naval Ravikant would call politics a status game. By definition, when only one person can win, it’s advantageous to knock down your opponents. Listening to the Throughline episode about Mitch …
Hard work
Hard work matters a lot. But choosing what to work hard on matters more. The paradox is that without hard work, you often don’t accumulate the experience to know what matters when you’re young. …
Magic by design
On Tim Ferriss' most recent podcast he interviews Julie Rice, co-founder of Soulcycle. I've never taken a spinning class, but what struck me was how deeply they think about the experience of each …
A real social impact project
What makes something a genuine impact project? How can you tell the difference between a color-in-the-lines project like donating to an existing organization and a project where you did deep self …
You can’t be what you can’t see
This is why we need mentors, role models, teachers. This is also where the beauty of YouTube and the internet come into play. Allowing young people a glimpse into potential lives like never …
Connect over passions
Kids across the country and world share deep passions for solving problems. But if you put them in the same room it’s unlikely they would discover their mutual passion. They might make small …