The ideal state, which I am just now beginning to articulate, is not to have kids get jobs, but it is to have kids create the jobs of their dreams. …
Unproven and looking for hope
At the beginning you need people who are thinking, “we need to find something that works” rather than, “this better not fail." When your solution first launches, it won't be polished. It will only …
A friendly journey
What if you could enroll a small group of people in getting to know each other better? You would give each other permission to answer questions honestly knowing that important, personal topics …
Amazon: “Might as well ship it”
In the wake of new iPhones and Apple cleverly making the lower end smartphone the normal (iPhone 11) and the higher end smart phone the premium (iPhone 11 Pro), Amazon shows off its product strategy …
When comics don’t laugh
I still think about the comedy club I went to in Montreal two years ago. About how every performer knew everyone in the audience was a comic. And everyone knew they too were going to perform. …
The 10 minute prototype
What is the behavior change you seek to make? Now find a way to make that change with one person in just 10 minutes. For Dual School, we want to help high school students launch social …