To find how you can be valuable, look at the things that everyone else is doing, then don't do those things. There's a reason why the night shift gets paid more than a regular time. The supply of …
The Marshmallow Challenge
The marshmallow challenge is a great activity that asks groups to build the tallest tower that will support a marshmallow at the top in just 18 minutes. The catch is that you can only use 20 pieces of …
Idea to Action Checklist
These are some of the questions I use to help guide first time entrepreneurs and other people who have ideas. I encourage you to use them, ask yourself them and keep them in mind when talking with …
“This time is different”
"This time is different" arguments are dumb and pointless. Every time someone will say this time is different and every time they're 100% right, but it doesn’t matter! Every time is different. Failed …
You get used to it
Imagine a world where Mcdonalds didn't have french fries and they only served sweet potato fries. You'd get used to it. You'd probably even like them a little. What if they stopped frying them? You …
Butterflies and Fear
When you're scared, you're motivated by fear. When you're excited, you're motivated by ambition and drive. The weird thing is, they feel almost the same. The butterflies in your stomach could be …