There are plenty of reasons why now is the wrong time to try anything new. The good news is you only need one tiny ounce of hope to overcome a mountain of doubt and start. …
Refinding the beginner’s mindset
The longer you've been doing something the further you get away from the beginner's mindset. When you're a senior in college, it's hard to remember what it felt like being a freshman. You can still do …
Business model – Life fit
Startup advisors often talk to young companies about product market fit. Product market fit is when your product solves a real world problem, and people are buying your solution. The goal of customer …
Risky assumptions
Your risky assumption is like a fence you need to see over. The goal of a prototype, or an MVP is to climb the smallest possible hill in order to see over that fence. It doesn't make sense to climb …
What’s the point of more technology?
Giving people more technology is like feeding a congested person more food. It looks great in theory, until you realize the person can't taste or smell because they're so stuffed up! More technology …
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The problem (and potential solutions) in content distribution
Our current methods for content distribution are broken. News outlets get paid for page views rather than quality journalism. There are a lot of people who see the problems with ad-driven content and …
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