Sometimes you just need permission to change. Permission to take a risk. Permission to try something that might not work. More information is not the answer. We're not being held back by how little …
Empathy Machines
Virtual reality has the potential to increase our ability to empathize with people in other situations. We could put on a pair of goggles and see what it's like to live in their world. But like any …
Shiny Objects
There are more shiny objects than ever. That unwatched snapchat story, the twitter notification, your crammed inbox. They're all just sitting on your phone, trying to get your attention. The same …
Test Driving
When you want to buy a new car, you can test drive some before you make a decision. You can ride the bicycle around the block. You can try a taste of the beer before you order a pint. What about …
Great Uncle Allen
My Great uncle Allen loved the outdoors. His job was climbing telephone poles and making the necessary repairs. Eventually he got promoted to a managerial role. He worked a desk job, making more …
Solving for the unknowns
It's not about how much you know or don't know. It's about the path you can take to start solving for those unknowns. You might not have any idea what you want to do with your life. That's okay. No …