Why is it so hard to say what’s on your mind? Why do so few people have the guts to say, “I love you”? Even when we know we should. We don’t. Hopefully we do before it’s too late. But you …
A great excuse to give thanks
Today gives you a little excuse to send a text, or make a comment that’s a little more genuine than usual. A little more heartfelt. A little more real. It’s Thanksgiving after all. No one will …
Data and proof
One day data will be even more abundant and free flowing. You will be able to show the efficacy of an intervention without pre and post surveys, and control groups. I often picture this data …
What were you seeing?
Sometimes you aren’t seeing what’s in front of you, but instead you’re seeing a model of what you believe is in front of you. We all know what a stick figure tree looks like. Two lines for the …
The brand story
The foundational values of a brand matter a lot. When they’re established, you can use every story and piece to feed into those values. This is why politicians have a few talking points they …
Room upmarket
Every time you go into Boston, New York, San Francisco or other major cities, there is a new luxury apartment being built. For $2,000, $3,000 $4,000 or $5,000+/month you can get a one bedroom …