I just heard a great image about how to make your ideas spread. Put handles on them. Give people something to grab onto. Tell your story in a way that can be retold. That means you'll have to make …
Intellectual vs Emotional Impact
Venture Capitalists want scale. The media wants it, too. Intellectually, we desire scale. But on an emotional level, I think the rewards diminish rapidly. Saying “one million people use my thing” is …
Doing things that don’t scale
Doing things that don’t scale tests a key assumption around the order of magnitude of your impact. It's much easier to tell if you’re 10x better or only 10% better than the alternatives when you’re …
Missing the train
You can’t miss a train that never leaves the station. We create organizations around a shared purpose, then we meet every month to discuss. Excitement peaks when the group forms, then as the months …
Learning starts with a spark
Adults can handle the promise of “I know this is boring, but trust me it will be helpful in the future.” Young people don't respond to that promise because it's been made to them for a decade and it …
Three ingredients in the secret sauce
At Dual School, our goal is to help students launch their ideas. In doing so we've created a special culture where students feel relaxed and welcome, but also recognize they're more productive than …
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