I get frustrated when people say that an opportunity to pursue a passion “will only work for certain students.” As if curiosity is not a universal human characteristic. As if it's the student's fault …
Where does a startup ecosystem come from?
Maybe startup ecosystems are created by companies, not from startups. As in, great startups don’t appear out of thin air. Unless you are silicon valley, New York or LA, people aren’t moving to your …
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Interpersonal vs. organizational value
I see a distinction between two types of value people can add to any initiative: interpersonal value and organizational value. Interpersonal value comes from things like: charisma, vision, …
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Anger as a compass toward curiousity
"You can't be angry and curious at the same time." I heard this quote in one of Tim Ferriss' podcasts today and it resonated with me. I thought back to times where I felt flustered, upset or angry. …
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The knowledge blast
Imagine you're just starting a project. You have an problem you want to solve, but you're unfamiliar with the landscape. Rather than feel lost as you slide down internet rabbit holes, what if you …
The vastness of everything
Entire worlds exist on scales both bigger than we can imagine and smaller than we can imagine. All of human life occurs on the tiniest of slivers of all that makes up our solar system, galaxy and …