From The Power of Moments by Chip and Dan Heath. There are 4 main ingredients in meaningful moments: Elevation, Insight, Pride and Connection. Elevation To increase elevation, build …
Today is an opportunity
We have an amazing opportunity today. To teach, to learn, to empower, to help lightbulbs go off, but most importantly to listen, and make human beings feel heard. Let that be our goal today and …
Prototyping a program or a curriculum
"Hey Zack, I want to start an after school program where I teach students about financial literacy, but how could I prototype something like that?" Good question! Situations like this are quite …
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The existing tech prototype
It’s important to understand that you can prototype so many things using existing technology. In the internet age there are thousands of tools at our finger tips. Door dash is a food delivery service …
Prototyping a business model
"If what's in this box solves your problem, are you willing to buy it?" Seth Godin asks this question in his Startup School podcast and it's the right question to ask. Because you don't need to have …
Wizard of Oz prototype
This is a dynamic, quick way to test a variety of different ideas. The premise is that there is some underlying automation that requires technology, but rather than build the tech, you can deliver …